So today I was looking on Youtube for the song "Oh Praise Him" by David Crowder Band, and I clicked one of the first links I came across. Lo and behold, what do I see in the comments but a bunch of people arguing about God and the song itself. People who aren't Christians were invading the comment board and posting comments like (I swear this is a real comment, go look for yourself if Youtube hasn't already removed it): "God does not exist you dumb fucks. Religion is made by authorities for short brain faggots to have control of them. Oh Satan, give me thumbs up!!! Shit song btw, sounds like an elephant is taking crap in the woods..." This comment earned 6 thumbs up by other jerks (5 after I clicked on the little thumbs down). These same jerks went around and gave thumbs down to anyone who posted comments praising God or giving evidence of His existence.
Come on. It's a Christian song. What are you even doing listening to the song anyways if you don't believe in God? Stop badmouthing people who do realize that God exists and maybe you'll look a little less like an ignorant idiot. As Proverbs 17:28 says, "Even a fool seems wise when he keeps his mouth shut."
It's so sad how many people are ignorant of God's wonderful grace and mercy.
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